proposing a simpler mechanism
R. Kent Dybvig
(13 Nov 2009 03:00 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism Thomas Bushnell BSG (13 Nov 2009 04:23 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
Taylor R Campbell
(13 Nov 2009 04:31 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
R. Kent Dybvig
(13 Nov 2009 16:22 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
Per Bothner
(13 Nov 2009 16:56 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(13 Nov 2009 04:54 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
Alex Queiroz
(13 Nov 2009 13:44 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
Marc Feeley
(13 Nov 2009 14:24 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(13 Nov 2009 18:39 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(13 Nov 2009 18:36 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
Alex Queiroz
(13 Nov 2009 19:08 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(13 Nov 2009 19:21 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
David Van Horn
(13 Nov 2009 19:25 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(13 Nov 2009 19:36 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
David Van Horn
(13 Nov 2009 19:58 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
Arthur A. Gleckler
(13 Nov 2009 20:25 UTC)
Re: proposing a simpler mechanism
David Van Horn
(12 Jan 2010 18:51 UTC)
What do you expect procedure-arity to return for a procedure which accepts any number of arguments? IEEE +inf? On Thu, 2009-11-12 at 20:58 -0500, R. Kent Dybvig wrote: > As David knows, I'm not a big fan of mechanisms to retrieve a procedure's > arity. If such a mechanism is going to be standardized, however, as a > SRFI or in some future report, I'd prefer it be as small, simple, and > efficient as possible. I therefore propose the following simpler > alternative to the mechanism described in the SRFI. It consists of a > single procedure, procedure-arity: > > -------- > (procedure-arity proc) -> bitmask | #f > > Bitmask is an exact integer. Bit i is set in the two's complement > representation of bitmask if proc accepts i arguments. Conversely, bit i > is reset if proc is certain to reject i arguments. #f implies no arity > information is available. > -------- > > This simpler proposal satisfies the requirements set forth in the first > paragraph of the rationale. It is also straightforwardly implemented > using any of the mechanisms referenced in paragraph 2 of the rationale. > It leverages the existing bit testing procedures in R6RS and many non-R6RS > Scheme implementations, e.g., R6RS bitwise-bit-set?; it works for all > procedures created by case-lambda; and it is uniquely specified, so there > is no normalization issue. For most procedures, the bitmask will be a > fixnum. In most implementations, this means computing it requires no > allocation, and working with arities will be efficient. Perhaps most > importantly, the mechanism requires the addition of only one procedure to > the language, and no data types, is simple to describe, and simple to use. > > Discussion: > > This simpler proposal does not allow an implementation to expose as much > of the structure of a procedure's implementation as does the existing > proposal. For example: > > (procedure-arity (case-lambda [(x y) ---] [x ---])) > > might return (2 #(0)) with the existing proposal, where #(0) is an > arity-at-least object representing zero or more arguments, hinting at the > structure of the procedure argument. Meanwhile, the same call returns -1 > with the simpler proposal. > > On the other hand, nothing in the existing proposal _requires_ an > implementation of procedure-arity to expose the structure of the procedure > argument, so the above call to procedure-arity might simply return #(0), > or, due to some quirk of its optimized representation of the procedure, > return, say, (0 1 2 3 4 5 #(4)), where #(4) is an arity-at-least object > representing four or more arguments. > > Thus, I see this neither as a benefit of the existing proposal nor as a > drawback of the simpler proposal. It might even be considered a feature > of the simpler proposal that no more of the internal structure of a > procedure can be leaked than necessary. > > Issues: > > It might be better for procedure-arity to return -1 if no arity > information is available, meaning the procedure might accept any number of > arguments, just to keep it simple and given that the existence of arity > information is no guarantee of its accuracy, as discussed in the Caveat > Emptor section. > > A different name can be used to avoid conflict with existing mechanisms. > > Kent >