Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (10 Sep 2020 16:29 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (10 Sep 2020 16:34 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Duy Nguyen (10 Sep 2020 16:42 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Lassi Kortela (10 Sep 2020 16:57 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Duy Nguyen (10 Sep 2020 17:09 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Lassi Kortela (10 Sep 2020 17:21 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Duy Nguyen (10 Sep 2020 17:35 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (10 Sep 2020 17:37 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (10 Sep 2020 17:36 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Duy Nguyen (10 Sep 2020 17:51 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? John Cowan (10 Sep 2020 18:11 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Duy Nguyen (10 Sep 2020 18:49 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? John Cowan (10 Sep 2020 18:52 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (10 Sep 2020 19:02 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Lassi Kortela (10 Sep 2020 19:12 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (10 Sep 2020 19:08 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Lassi Kortela (10 Sep 2020 19:16 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (10 Sep 2020 19:23 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (10 Sep 2020 19:28 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Shiro Kawai (10 Sep 2020 19:58 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (10 Sep 2020 20:02 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Shiro Kawai (10 Sep 2020 20:13 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? John Cowan (10 Sep 2020 20:19 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (10 Sep 2020 20:49 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 13:20 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (11 Sep 2020 14:04 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 14:56 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 15:32 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? John Cowan (10 Sep 2020 20:18 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 13:50 UTC)
R7RS scope & yearly editions Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 14:10 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 14:22 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 14:26 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions hga@xxxxxx (11 Sep 2020 14:31 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 14:48 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions & language interop Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 15:20 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions & language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 15:28 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions & language interop John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 17:11 UTC)
Language interop Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 17:55 UTC)
Re: Language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 18:04 UTC)
Re: Language interop Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 18:14 UTC)
Re: Language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 18:28 UTC)
Re: Language interop hga@xxxxxx (11 Sep 2020 18:51 UTC)
Re: Language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 20:29 UTC)
Re: Language interop hga@xxxxxx (11 Sep 2020 21:00 UTC)
Re: Language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (12 Sep 2020 07:26 UTC)
Re: Language interop Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 19:18 UTC)
Re: Language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 20:38 UTC)
Re: Language interop John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 20:51 UTC)
Re: Language interop hga@xxxxxx (11 Sep 2020 18:30 UTC)
Re: Language interop John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 19:46 UTC)
Re: Language interop Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 20:15 UTC)
Re: Language interop John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 19:42 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions hga@xxxxxx (11 Sep 2020 15:35 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 15:56 UTC)
Interlisp and structural code editing Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 17:45 UTC)
Re: Interlisp and structural code editing John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 20:16 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 16:57 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 17:23 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 20:31 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Arthur A. Gleckler (12 Sep 2020 17:39 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions John Cowan (11 Sep 2020 16:39 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Sep 2020 17:01 UTC)
Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Lassi Kortela (11 Sep 2020 17:15 UTC)
Re: Remove file descriptors completely from srfi-170? hga@xxxxxx (10 Sep 2020 18:40 UTC)

Re: R7RS scope & yearly editions Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen 11 Sep 2020 17:01 UTC

Am Fr., 11. Sept. 2020 um 18:39 Uhr schrieb John Cowan <>:

>> > (unless we
>> > define that (scheme XXX) is the "current" version of whatever library
>> > while the initial R7RS will only be guaranteed when accessed through,
>> > say (scheme XXX (7)).)
> That is not my intent; new libraries can be (scheme ...) but revisions will need some other way to mark them.  Per contra, nobody has *ever* suggested yearly revisions!  Personally, I think that's insanely aggressive; people want to use the latest, but not if it changes too quickly.

You mean, a future version of (scheme list) where, say, lset= is
replaced by the more regular lset=? is possible in your vision?

A way to mark it/test for it would be to extend the cond-expand
feature slightly. At the moment, we can test, with the library clause,
whether a particular library is there. A new clause of the form
(export <library name> <identifier> ...) would help a lot here. I
think it can be easily provided by the R7RS implementations. Just
someone has to write a SRFI. :)

> Nobody at all supports it AFAIK.
> John Cowan
> Kill Gorgun!  Kill orc-folk!  No other words please Wild Men.  Drive away
> bad air and darkness with bright iron!   --Ghan-buri-Ghan