Introspection Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe (10 May 2020 23:41 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 May 2020 07:11 UTC)
Multiple-values SRFI Lassi Kortela (11 May 2020 09:09 UTC)
Re: Multiple-values SRFI Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 May 2020 09:41 UTC)
Re: Multiple-values SRFI Lassi Kortela (11 May 2020 10:52 UTC)
Re: Multiple-values SRFI Lassi Kortela (11 May 2020 11:04 UTC)
Re: Introspection John Cowan (11 May 2020 18:02 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 May 2020 18:26 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Feeley (11 May 2020 18:34 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 May 2020 19:29 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Feeley (12 May 2020 04:15 UTC)
Re: Introspection John Cowan (12 May 2020 15:36 UTC)
Re: Introspection Lassi Kortela (12 May 2020 16:07 UTC)
Re: Introspection John Cowan (12 May 2020 18:19 UTC)
Re: Introspection Lassi Kortela (12 May 2020 18:46 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (04 Jun 2020 16:39 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (09 Jun 2020 08:38 UTC)
Re: Introspection John Cowan (09 Jun 2020 17:53 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (09 Jun 2020 19:39 UTC)
Re: Introspection John Cowan (10 Jun 2020 21:46 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Jun 2020 11:55 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (04 Jun 2020 16:36 UTC)

Re: Multiple-values SRFI Lassi Kortela 11 May 2020 11:04 UTC

> (define (lists->hash-table ks vs)
>    (unfold* (values ks vs)
>             (lambda (ks vs) (and (pair? ks) (pair? vs)))
>             (lambda (ks vs) (values (cdr ks) (cdr vs)))
>             (make-hash-table)
>             (lambda (hash-table k v)
>               (hash-table-set! hash-table k v)
>               hash-table)))

Sorry, it's missing the procedure to get the elements:

(lambda (ks vs) (values (car ks) (car vs))

Or maybe the accumulating procedure could be:

(lambda (hash-table ks vs)
   (hash-table-set! hash-table (car ks) (car vs))