Introspection Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe (10 May 2020 23:41 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 May 2020 07:11 UTC)
Multiple-values SRFI Lassi Kortela (11 May 2020 09:09 UTC)
Re: Multiple-values SRFI Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 May 2020 09:41 UTC)
Re: Multiple-values SRFI Lassi Kortela (11 May 2020 10:52 UTC)
Re: Multiple-values SRFI Lassi Kortela (11 May 2020 11:04 UTC)
Re: Introspection John Cowan (11 May 2020 18:02 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 May 2020 18:26 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Feeley (11 May 2020 18:34 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 May 2020 19:29 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Feeley (12 May 2020 04:15 UTC)
Re: Introspection John Cowan (12 May 2020 15:36 UTC)
Re: Introspection Lassi Kortela (12 May 2020 16:07 UTC)
Re: Introspection John Cowan (12 May 2020 18:19 UTC)
Re: Introspection Lassi Kortela (12 May 2020 18:46 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (04 Jun 2020 16:39 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (09 Jun 2020 08:38 UTC)
Re: Introspection John Cowan (09 Jun 2020 17:53 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (09 Jun 2020 19:39 UTC)
Re: Introspection John Cowan (10 Jun 2020 21:46 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (11 Jun 2020 11:55 UTC)
Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (04 Jun 2020 16:36 UTC)

Re: Introspection Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen 04 Jun 2020 16:39 UTC

Am Di., 12. Mai 2020 um 20:46 Uhr schrieb Lassi Kortela <>:

> Is it not good enough to re-use the `->` arrow we already have? Syntax
> ought to be needed mainly for multiple values and for places
> (generalized `set!`). Other conversions can be procedures. And even the
> syntax looks like a procedure call, so it's interchangeable except for
> not being first-class.

I don't like the "values-> ..." convention. That it has to be syntax
is a minor thing. The problem is that we use "... -> ..." when mapping
objects of one type to objects of another type. However, there is such
a thing as a "values" type. Assuming this leads to all the confusion
we have had on the mailing list of SRFI 189 and also here, I think.