Re: New draft (#2) of SRFI 226: Control Features
Marc Nieper-WiÃkirchen 03 Oct 2022 11:39 UTC
Am Fr., 30. Sept. 2022 um 23:22 Uhr schrieb John Cowan <>:
>>> 3. I recommend switching timeouts from seconds to jiffies, so as to maximize the use of cheap fixnum arithmetic. Exact integers are real, of course, but a second is a long time.
>> Technically, I agree entirely. This would, however, produce an incompatibility with SRFI 18 that may be hard to detect (because the types are not disjoint).
> I agree: silent breaking changes (even in another package) are Bad Things. Concedo.
There is possibly an alternative solution, namely abstract time
objects (like those of SRFI 18). This solution would make it an error
if the TIMEOUT parameter is a raw number. Instead, it would have to
be wrapped into a call of (jiffies->time ...) or (seconds->time ...)
or (jiffies->time-delta ...) or ...