strings draft Tom Lord (22 Jan 2004 04:58 UTC)
Re: strings draft Shiro Kawai (22 Jan 2004 09:46 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (22 Jan 2004 17:32 UTC)
Re: strings draft Shiro Kawai (23 Jan 2004 05:03 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (24 Jan 2004 00:31 UTC)
Re: strings draft Matthew Dempsky (24 Jan 2004 03:00 UTC)
Re: strings draft Shiro Kawai (24 Jan 2004 03:27 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (24 Jan 2004 04:18 UTC)
Re: strings draft Shiro Kawai (24 Jan 2004 04:49 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (24 Jan 2004 18:47 UTC)
Re: strings draft Shiro Kawai (24 Jan 2004 22:16 UTC)
Octet vs Char (Re: strings draft) Shiro Kawai (26 Jan 2004 09:58 UTC)
Strings, one last detail. bear (30 Jan 2004 21:12 UTC)
Re: Strings, one last detail. Shiro Kawai (30 Jan 2004 21:43 UTC)
Re: Strings, one last detail. Tom Lord (31 Jan 2004 00:13 UTC)
Re: Strings, one last detail. bear (31 Jan 2004 20:26 UTC)
Re: Strings, one last detail. Tom Lord (31 Jan 2004 20:42 UTC)
Re: Strings, one last detail. bear (01 Feb 2004 02:29 UTC)
Re: Strings, one last detail. Tom Lord (01 Feb 2004 02:44 UTC)
Re: Strings, one last detail. bear (01 Feb 2004 07:53 UTC)
Re: Octet vs Char (Re: strings draft) bear (26 Jan 2004 19:04 UTC)
Re: Octet vs Char (Re: strings draft) Matthew Dempsky (26 Jan 2004 20:12 UTC)
Re: Octet vs Char (Re: strings draft) Matthew Dempsky (26 Jan 2004 20:40 UTC)
Re: Octet vs Char (Re: strings draft) Ken Dickey (27 Jan 2004 04:33 UTC)
Re: Octet vs Char Shiro Kawai (27 Jan 2004 05:12 UTC)
Re: Octet vs Char Tom Lord (27 Jan 2004 05:23 UTC)
Re: Octet vs Char bear (27 Jan 2004 08:35 UTC)
Re: Octet vs Char (Re: strings draft) bear (27 Jan 2004 08:33 UTC)
Re: Octet vs Char (Re: strings draft) Ken Dickey (27 Jan 2004 15:43 UTC)
Re: Octet vs Char (Re: strings draft) bear (27 Jan 2004 19:06 UTC)
Re: Octet vs Char Shiro Kawai (26 Jan 2004 23:39 UTC)
Re: strings draft bear (22 Jan 2004 19:05 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (23 Jan 2004 01:53 UTC)
READ-OCTET (Re: strings draft) Shiro Kawai (23 Jan 2004 06:01 UTC)
Re: strings draft bear (23 Jan 2004 07:04 UTC)
Re: strings draft bear (23 Jan 2004 07:20 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (24 Jan 2004 00:02 UTC)
Re: strings draft Alex Shinn (26 Jan 2004 01:59 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (26 Jan 2004 02:22 UTC)
Re: strings draft bear (26 Jan 2004 02:35 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (26 Jan 2004 02:48 UTC)
Re: strings draft Alex Shinn (26 Jan 2004 03:00 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (26 Jan 2004 03:14 UTC)
Re: strings draft Shiro Kawai (26 Jan 2004 04:57 UTC)
Re: strings draft Alex Shinn (26 Jan 2004 04:58 UTC)
Re: strings draft tb@xxxxxx (23 Jan 2004 18:48 UTC)
Re: strings draft bear (24 Jan 2004 02:21 UTC)
Re: strings draft tb@xxxxxx (23 Jan 2004 02:10 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (23 Jan 2004 02:29 UTC)
Re: strings draft tb@xxxxxx (23 Jan 2004 02:44 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (23 Jan 2004 02:53 UTC)
Re: strings draft tb@xxxxxx (23 Jan 2004 03:04 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (23 Jan 2004 03:16 UTC)
Re: strings draft tb@xxxxxx (23 Jan 2004 03:42 UTC)
Re: strings draft Alex Shinn (23 Jan 2004 02:35 UTC)
Re: strings draft tb@xxxxxx (23 Jan 2004 02:42 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (23 Jan 2004 02:49 UTC)
Re: strings draft Alex Shinn (23 Jan 2004 02:58 UTC)
Re: strings draft tb@xxxxxx (23 Jan 2004 03:13 UTC)
Re: strings draft Alex Shinn (23 Jan 2004 03:19 UTC)
Re: strings draft Bradd W. Szonye (23 Jan 2004 19:31 UTC)
Re: strings draft Alex Shinn (26 Jan 2004 02:22 UTC)
Re: strings draft Bradd W. Szonye (06 Feb 2004 23:30 UTC)
Re: strings draft Bradd W. Szonye (06 Feb 2004 23:33 UTC)
Re: strings draft Alex Shinn (09 Feb 2004 01:45 UTC)
specifying source encoding (Re: strings draft) Shiro Kawai (09 Feb 2004 02:51 UTC)
Re: strings draft Bradd W. Szonye (09 Feb 2004 03:39 UTC)
Re: strings draft tb@xxxxxx (23 Jan 2004 03:12 UTC)
Re: strings draft Alex Shinn (23 Jan 2004 03:28 UTC)
Re: strings draft tb@xxxxxx (23 Jan 2004 03:44 UTC)
Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Ken Dickey (23 Jan 2004 17:02 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] bear (23 Jan 2004 17:56 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] tb@xxxxxx (23 Jan 2004 18:50 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Per Bothner (23 Jan 2004 18:56 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Tom Lord (23 Jan 2004 20:26 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Per Bothner (23 Jan 2004 20:57 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Tom Lord (23 Jan 2004 21:44 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Tom Lord (23 Jan 2004 20:07 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] tb@xxxxxx (23 Jan 2004 21:22 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Tom Lord (23 Jan 2004 22:38 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] tb@xxxxxx (24 Jan 2004 06:48 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Tom Lord (24 Jan 2004 18:41 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] tb@xxxxxx (24 Jan 2004 19:34 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Tom Lord (24 Jan 2004 21:48 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Ken Dickey (23 Jan 2004 21:47 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Tom Lord (23 Jan 2004 23:22 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Ken Dickey (25 Jan 2004 01:03 UTC)
Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Tom Lord (25 Jan 2004 03:01 UTC)
Re: strings draft Matthew Dempsky (25 Jan 2004 06:59 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (25 Jan 2004 07:16 UTC)
Re: strings draft Matthew Dempsky (26 Jan 2004 23:52 UTC)
Re: strings draft Tom Lord (27 Jan 2004 00:30 UTC)

Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft] Tom Lord 23 Jan 2004 22:52 UTC

    > From: (Thomas Bushnell, BSG)

    > Tom Lord <> writes:

    > > On the other hand, if [a], [b], and [c] are all portable, equivalent,
    > > standard Scheme programs -- then in Turkish implementations,
    > > CHAR-UPCASE, CHAR-DOWNCASE and friends must behave in a linguistically
    > > odd manner.

    > Not true!

    > You can make [a], [b], and [c] all do the Right Thing, and not even
    > *have* CHAR-UPCASE or CHAR-DOWNCASE at all!

    > What they require is string-ci=? to behave Properly, in the contexts
    > where the Scheme reader uses it.

CHAR-UPCASE and CHAR-DOWNCASE are mandatory and STRING-CI=? is defined
in terms of CHAR-CI=?

If [a], [b], and [c] are all portable, equivalent, standard Scheme
programs then this portable, standard program:

    (let loop ((c (read-char)))
      (if (not eof-object? c)
            (display (char-downcase c))
            (loop (read-char)))))

must be able to read any one of them and write as output a scheme
program with identical meaning, at _least_ if the resulting program is
read by the same implementation running the conversion.

There are two choices.   Either that program is permitted to convert
[b] and [c] into something other than [a] (such as by including some
dotless i's in the output) or it must convert [b] and [c] to [a].

In the latter case, CHAR-DOWNCASE behaves in a linguistically odd for
Turkish speakers because it either converts #\I to #\i or #\I to #\I.

In the former case, the Turkish implementation must provide that:

	(char-ci=? dotless-i #\i)

which is again, linguistically odd.

    > The question the reader needs to ask is "are these sequences of
    > characters the same identifier".

Yes, and in R5RS that means "Are the constiuent characters of the identifier
equal in a case independent sense?"   The rest follows from that.

You say R5RS should not define identifier equivalence that way:

    > > I'm not so sure that that's terrible (and my proposals
    > > for R6RS reflect that assessment): those procedures are doomed to
    > > behave in a linguistically odd manner for a substantial number of
    > > reasons, in many other contexts besides Turkish implementations.

    > So punt them.  CHAR-UPCASE and CHAR-DOWNCASE are entirely unnecessary,
    > and since they cannot be sensibly implemented, and are entirely
    > unneeded, drop them!

The character casemappings would still need to be defined to specify
Scheme.  Reifying that definition into Scheme in the form of those
procedures is only natural.

    > > Rather, I propose that the standard character procedures be explicitly
    > > related to both the syntax of portable standard Scheme and the syntax
    > > of particular implementations.  For example, R6RS should require that:

    > > 	(char-downcase #\I) => #\i

    > Why?  R6RS should not have char-downcase at all.

The standard would still need to specify CHAR-DOWNCASE.   It would
still need to be possible to write portable CHAR-DOWNCASE with
whatever machinery the standard did provide.   There is no good reason
not to stick to the simple route of simply directly reifying
CHAR-DOWNCASE into Scheme.   There is a very good reason to do so:  so
that portable programs can accurately manipulate non-portable source texts.
