finalize or withdraw? Alex Shinn (19 Aug 2005 04:24 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Thomas Bushnell BSG (19 Aug 2005 05:18 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Alex Shinn (19 Aug 2005 05:21 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema (19 Aug 2005 07:57 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema (19 Aug 2005 07:57 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Michael Sperber (20 Aug 2005 06:54 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Alex Shinn (22 Aug 2005 04:17 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Michael Sperber (22 Aug 2005 16:06 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Per Bothner (22 Aug 2005 18:04 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Michael Sperber (23 Aug 2005 07:19 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Per Bothner (23 Aug 2005 07:59 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Michael Sperber (23 Aug 2005 08:14 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Per Bothner (24 Aug 2005 04:07 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Michael Sperber (24 Aug 2005 17:30 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Alex Shinn (24 Aug 2005 02:57 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Alex Shinn (23 Aug 2005 01:27 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Michael Sperber (23 Aug 2005 07:21 UTC)
Re: finalize or withdraw? Alex Shinn (23 Aug 2005 08:10 UTC)

Re: finalize or withdraw? Per Bothner 24 Aug 2005 04:07 UTC

Michael Sperber wrote:
> Per Bothner <> writes:
>>If I then as a beginning Scheme programmer write a program
>>to read this file, I should not have to use an magic options
>>or commands to do so - it should just work, even if my
>>default encoding is different from with UTF-8.
> Sure.  I'm only pointing out that a notion of "default encoding" may
> not exist on your platform, or that it may not be reasonable, even for
> "default" cases, to enforce one upon the application.

"Default encoding" may vary from user to user (at least on Unix-like
platforms). And if each file includes an "encoding" attribute,
then there is less need for the concept of a default encoding.
But the concept is still needed, to specify the encoding to be
used when creating a new text file, and to define an implicit
encoding for existing text files without an encoding attribute.

> Specifically,
> the "default encoding" may be different for files (or for files in
> different file systems) and the console.

It could be.  I don't think that's a problem.
>>But perhaps you could comment on do you expect this to work?  Assume
>>I'm Japanese and using some version of JIS.  (Or a German using
>>Latin-1, for that matter.)  How should my Scheme implementation handle
> Make (standard-input-port) and frieds return suitable transcoded
> ports.  I think you probably want this to work for files as well, but
> I don't think it makes sense there, as explained above.

I disagree.  open-output-file should create a file using the
default encoding.  And when open-input-file read a file, if the
platform doesn't supply an encoding attribute, it should use
the default one.

Let me emphasize again: It is essential that open-output-file
create a file using the same encoding that the rest of my
environment expects.  I should be able to open the file
using my default editor.  If I cat/type/view the file, my
terminal should display the correct glyphs, and not be garbled.
	--Per Bothner