arithmetic issues
Aubrey Jaffer
(21 Oct 2005 14:53 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
(21 Oct 2005 15:59 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
(21 Oct 2005 16:39 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Aubrey Jaffer
(22 Oct 2005 01:17 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
(22 Oct 2005 02:03 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
(23 Oct 2005 20:24 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(23 Oct 2005 20:30 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
(23 Oct 2005 22:25 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(23 Oct 2005 22:30 UTC)
Re: +nan.0 problems
(24 Oct 2005 06:04 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
(21 Oct 2005 17:15 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues Taylor Campbell (21 Oct 2005 20:24 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(21 Oct 2005 20:32 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Alan Watson
(22 Oct 2005 00:26 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
(22 Oct 2005 00:45 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(22 Oct 2005 01:22 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Bradley Lucier
(23 Oct 2005 19:46 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Aubrey Jaffer
(23 Oct 2005 20:10 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Aubrey Jaffer
(23 Oct 2005 19:54 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Jens Axel Søgaard
(23 Oct 2005 20:01 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Aubrey Jaffer
(23 Oct 2005 20:50 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(23 Oct 2005 21:12 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
(23 Oct 2005 22:31 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(23 Oct 2005 22:33 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
(23 Oct 2005 22:50 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(23 Oct 2005 22:57 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
(24 Oct 2005 00:53 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(24 Oct 2005 01:05 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
(24 Oct 2005 01:45 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Taylor Campbell
(24 Oct 2005 02:00 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
(24 Oct 2005 02:08 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Taylor Campbell
(24 Oct 2005 02:14 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
(24 Oct 2005 02:27 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Taylor Campbell
(24 Oct 2005 02:45 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Alan Watson
(24 Oct 2005 02:13 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Taylor Campbell
(24 Oct 2005 02:22 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Alan Watson
(24 Oct 2005 03:19 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(24 Oct 2005 02:01 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Aubrey Jaffer
(24 Oct 2005 02:27 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Alan Watson
(24 Oct 2005 03:14 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
(24 Oct 2005 05:37 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Per Bothner
(24 Oct 2005 07:05 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
(24 Oct 2005 07:58 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(24 Oct 2005 08:05 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Alan Watson
(24 Oct 2005 08:25 UTC)
reading NaNs
Aubrey Jaffer
(24 Oct 2005 15:35 UTC)
Re: reading NaNs
Per Bothner
(24 Oct 2005 17:35 UTC)
Re: reading NaNs
(24 Oct 2005 19:23 UTC)
Re: reading NaNs
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
(24 Oct 2005 18:17 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
(24 Oct 2005 06:13 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Taylor Campbell
(24 Oct 2005 06:27 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(24 Oct 2005 07:49 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
(24 Oct 2005 16:41 UTC)
Re: arithmetic issues
Thomas Bushnell BSG
(24 Oct 2005 07:49 UTC)
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 10:53:26 -0400 (EDT) From: Aubrey Jaffer <> Its time to move beyond the machine-language mindset. I code in Scheme because I want a high-level language. I very strongly agree with this. On that note, I'd like to suggest a somewhat different alternative from what many people have been suggesting here: I'm ambivalent about exactness and mathematical accuracy of the general operations provided, but I think high-level numerical operations should be provided nevertheless, with all general argument dispatching &c. Indeed, it might even be useful to allow extensions like what scmutils provides to allow passing functions to operators like +. Provided with user declarations/proclamations that certain quantities will be valid array or vector indices, for which I think a syntax ought to be standardized, the problem of flow analysis to elide numerical dispatch on these indices is reduced dramatically, and there is no longer any need for an arbitrary 'fixnum' range, which is less specific anyway than that of array or vector indices. The notion of 'fixnum' and 'flonum' is an implementation detail; it should really not be exposed to the user, as this simply shows a weakness in the expressiveness of the language. What is needed, though, is a method of specifying modular or inexact arithmetic more precisely than the vague fixnum and flonum mechanism. Many applications work with 32-bit or 64-bit modular integer arithmetic, such as cryptographic applications. Many other applications require operations on IEEE floating point numbers, and for these operators should be provided _specifically_ for IEEE floating point operations; e.g., IEEE-FLO32+ or IEEE-FLO64-EXPT, &c. These are not performance considerations, but necessary for the correct semantics of many applications. Additionally to arithmetic routines, binary decoding and encoding of IEEE floats should be provided, probably on SRFI 74 blobs. I'm not sure what the best way to specify general modular arithmetic is, but I imagine something like a MODULAR-ADDER, MODULAR-SHIFTER, &c., could be defined; e.g., ((modular-adder 32) 123 456) => 579 ((modular-adder 32) (- (expt 2 32) 1) 1) => 0 ((modular-shifter 32) 3 13) => 24576 ((modular-shifter 32) 1 32) => 0 With constant operands, these can be optimized trivially to machine addition, and they conduce flow analysis needed to store integer quantities in 32-bit scratch registers -- wider than most Scheme systems can provide with tagged fixnums. A convenient syntax might be added on top of this, such as: (with-modular-arithmetic 32 (+ arithmetic-shift) (+ 1 (bitwise-not (arithmetic-shift -1 32)))) => 0 (The first operand specifies the modulus; the second, a list of names to be bound to appropriate arithmetic operations. I'm not entirely sure whether this is the right kind of syntax, but it is one possibility.)