Re: Proposal to add HTML class attributes to SRFIs to aid machine-parsing Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (06 Mar 2019 10:12 UTC)
Re: Proposal to add HTML class attributes to SRFIs to aid machine-parsing Lassi Kortela (07 Mar 2019 14:44 UTC)

Re: Proposal to add HTML class attributes to SRFIs to aid machine-parsing Lassi Kortela 07 Mar 2019 14:44 UTC

OK, now I have (what I think are) full conversions of all the procedure,
syntax and variable definitions in three tricky SRFIs:




Edits I had to make to the HTML:

* class="proc/syntax/variable def"
* Some missing closing tags to appease BeautifulSoup
* Consistent use of angle brackets <...> to mean placeholder variables
   and no-angle-brackets to mean quoted symbols in syntax definitions.
   In procedure definitions it doesn't matter which convention is used.
* Nothing else, I believe.