Re: New draft of SRFI 130: Cursor-based string library
William D Clinger 21 May 2016 17:36 UTC
John Cowan wrote:
> I'll patch it up this evening.
If you're repairing SRFI 130 itself, I have a couple more
The example given for string-for-each-cursor is incorrect.
It calls string-ref with a cursor as second argument, so that
should be a call to string-ref/cursor. It is also missing
the last line of the expression, which was probably a copy
error. The expression should be
(let ((s "abcde") (v '()))
(lambda (cur)
(set! v (cons (char->integer (string-ref/cursor s cur)) v)))
In the description of string-index, second paragraph, it
should be possible to improve upon "a same half-open interval
[start,end) in these procedures that they do in all the other
SRFI 130 procedures."
It might be good to have an incompatibility note for the four
procedures starting with string-index, saying they are not
compatible with the SRFI 13 procedures of the same names
because the SRFI 13 procedures sometimes return false.
The compatibility note for string-replicate refers to "the
string-replicate procedure of SRFI 13", but there's no such
thing. I think it should refer to the xsubstring procedure
of SRFI 13.