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peer-to-peer Amirouche Boubekki (05 Oct 2019 12:24 UTC)
We need a pre-SRFI list hga@xxxxxx (05 Oct 2019 12:41 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list Arthur A. Gleckler (05 Oct 2019 19:14 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list hga@xxxxxx (05 Oct 2019 20:20 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list Duy Nguyen (06 Oct 2019 01:47 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list elf (06 Oct 2019 01:51 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list hga@xxxxxx (06 Oct 2019 02:18 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list elf (06 Oct 2019 02:33 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list Arthur A. Gleckler (06 Oct 2019 04:57 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list hga@xxxxxx (06 Oct 2019 11:42 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list Amirouche Boubekki (06 Oct 2019 06:09 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list Arthur A. Gleckler (06 Oct 2019 17:30 UTC)
Planning how to organize Scheme discussion Lassi Kortela (06 Oct 2019 17:48 UTC)
Re: Planning how to organize Scheme discussion hga@xxxxxx (06 Oct 2019 19:41 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list Arthur A. Gleckler (06 Oct 2019 18:30 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list Lassi Kortela (06 Oct 2019 19:31 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list Amirouche Boubekki (06 Oct 2019 19:48 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list Amirouche Boubekki (06 Oct 2019 19:56 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list elf (06 Oct 2019 01:53 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list Vladimir Nikishkin (06 Oct 2019 03:06 UTC)
Re: We need a pre-SRFI list Duy Nguyen (06 Oct 2019 04:13 UTC)
Matrix libraries Lassi Kortela (06 Oct 2019 14:51 UTC)
Re: Matrix libraries John Cowan (06 Oct 2019 17:55 UTC)
Who's working on what? Lassi Kortela (06 Oct 2019 19:39 UTC)
Re: Who's working on what? Amirouche Boubekki (06 Oct 2019 20:19 UTC)
Re: Who's working on what? Amirouche Boubekki (06 Oct 2019 20:26 UTC)
Re: Who's working on what? John Cowan (06 Oct 2019 20:40 UTC)
Re: peer-to-peer Amirouche Boubekki (05 Oct 2019 14:43 UTC)
Re: peer-to-peer Arthur A. Gleckler (06 Oct 2019 05:14 UTC)
Peer-to-peer, sockets and binary s-expressions Lassi Kortela (06 Oct 2019 12:41 UTC)
Re: Peer-to-peer, sockets and binary s-expressions Amirouche Boubekki (06 Oct 2019 13:46 UTC)
Re: Peer-to-peer, sockets and binary s-expressions John Cowan (06 Oct 2019 20:35 UTC)
Re: Peer-to-peer, sockets and binary s-expressions Vladimir Nikishkin (07 Oct 2019 02:42 UTC)
WebSockets Lassi Kortela (06 Oct 2019 12:47 UTC)
Re: WebSockets Per Bothner (06 Oct 2019 14:40 UTC)
Re: WebSockets Amirouche Boubekki (06 Oct 2019 19:53 UTC)

peer-to-peer Amirouche Boubekki 05 Oct 2019 12:24 UTC

I know many pieces are missing in the SRFI and R7RS standards. I
think, it would be nice to have in SRFI.

A markdown document is available at [0].

# peer-to-peer

## Status

Early Draft

## Abstract

This library describe the primitives for a peer-to-peer network that
can be used to implement networked applications that do not require a
central server to work. It offers the building blocks to create
decentralized applications.

## Rationale

It is very schemey to operate toward a common goal in a distributed
fashion. This library brings the distributed social characterics of
Scheme to Scheme programs.

Many Scheme implementations provides network support. This library
will allow them to exercise those capabilities while allowing them to
create something bigger than what they could achieve alone. It offers
a unique opportunity for Scheme implementations to cooperate toward a
common goal while all will keep their defining characteristics.

It is also an opportunity to bring fresh air to the Internet. This
library offers new possibilities to create networked applications in a
decentralized way that could spur creativity.

## Specification

All communication between peers is secured using [X25519 key
exchange]( Moreover the
specifications prescribe the use of Ed25519 signing when using

The network protocol is based on serialized scheme expressions
compatible with `write` prefixed with the size of the serialized
expression in network byte order (TODO: big or little?). Because the
network can not be trusted the procedure used to parse messages from
the network must be safe.

The maximum size of serialized scheme expression transmitted over the
network know as message is defined to be 1 megabyte.

The protocol identifies peers with bytevectors of 32 bytes and use XOR
metric to find nearest peers similar to what kademlia paper describe
and similar to the "mainline dht". The protocol doesn't dictate a
particular datastructure for the routing table. Peer identifiers are
refered as `uid` pronounced "weed".

A peer initiating a request must wait for a reply at most 5 seconds.

The protocol is not compatible with existing distributed hash tables.

The default replication factor is 5. The maximum replication factor
that must be respected globaly is 20. TODO: explain what it is.

This library defines the following disjoint type: `peer`

### Public procedures

#### Initialization

##### `(peer uid recv send replication) → peer`

Returns a peer object identified as `UID` bytevector. `UID` must be a
randomly chosen bytevector of 32 bytes. `RECV` is thunk that allows to
retrieve incoming payload as a scheme object. `SEND` takes ip string,
port number and scheme object payload as argument and allow to send to
the given address the given payload. It is an error if the payload
serialize to a bytevector bigger than 1Mb. `REPLICATION` must be at
least 5 and at most 20.

A peer must remember its own `UID` for future use.

##### `(peer-connect peer ip port) → boolean`

This will make sure that `PEER` knows about the peer at `IP` and
`PORT`. The peer must send a `iam` network procedure. Return `#t` on
success. Otherwise `#f`.

##### `(peer-bootstrap peer) → unspecified`

`PEER` will initiate a bootstrap algorithm that aims at filling the
routing table based on known peers with other peers in its surrounding
and peers from the rest of the 256 bits space. It must rely on `peers`
network procedure described in the next section to discover new peers.

#### Distributed-Hash-Table procedures

##### `(peer-set peer value) → bytevector`

Set `VALUE` bytevector in the network at the nearest peers to the
SHA-256 of `VALUE`. Returns the SHA-256 of `VALUE` as bytevector.

##### `(peer-ref peer key) → bytevector`

Returns the value associated with `KEY` bytevector of 32 bytes in the
network. The returned value must have `key` as sha256.

#### Bag procedures

##### `(peer-bag-publish peer key value) → unspecified`

Adds `VALUE` bytevector of 32 bytes to the bag in the network
associated with `KEY` bytevector of 32 bytes. Bag values can be freely
added by any peers.

##### `(peer-bag-popular peer key) → vector`

Return most popular values associated with `KEY` bytevector of 32

##### `(peer-bag-popular-at peer uid key) → vector`

Return most popular values associated with `KEY` bytevector of 32
bytes at the peer known as `UID`.

##### `(peer-bag-recent peer key)`

Return most recent values associated with `KEY` bytevector of 32

##### `(peer-bag-recent-at peer uid key)`

Return most recent values associated with `KEY` bytevector of 32 bytes
at the peer known as `UID`.

##### `(peer-bag-sample peer key)`

Return random values associated with `KEY` bytevector of 32 bytes.

##### `(peer-bag-sample-at peer uid key)`

Return random values associated with `KEY` bytevector of 32 bytes
at the peer known as `UID`.

#### Namespace procedures

##### `(peer-namespace-set peer private-key public-key key value)`

Set in the network `VALUE` bytevector of 32 bytes associated with
`PUBLIC-KEY` and `KEY` bytevector of 32 bytes.  `PRIVATE-KEY` must be
used to compute the signature of `KEY` and `VALUE` as described later
in `namespace-set` network procedure.

##### `(peer-namespace-ref peer public-key key signature)`

Retrieve from the network the value associated with `PUBLIC-KEY` and
`KEY`. `KEY` and the returned value must be validated using

##### `(peer-namespace-ref-at peer uid public-key key signature)`


### Network procedures

The following procedures are encoded as Scheme vectors. The procedure
name is encoded as symbol inside the vector. Both request and replies
must not exceed 1 megabyte when encoded. If a message payload exceed 1
megabyte, the connection must be closed.

#### `iam uid`

A peer receiving this message must reply with a vector with the
following values:

- `welcome` symbol
- IP as a string (TBD)
- port as an integer
- `uid` as an integer

This allows peers to discover their external IPs. The receiving peer
may or may not add the initiating peer to its routing table and
initiate a `iam` network procedure.

#### `peers key`

`KEY` must be a 256 bits number. A peer receiving this message must
reply with a vector starting with `peer` followed by at most 20 (ip,
port) pairs that are the peers nearest to `KEY` known to the receiving

#### `set value`

The peer receiving this message must first check that it is part of
the nearest peers to the associated sha256 key of `VALUE` bytevector
based on the global replication factor. If the receiving peer knows
about peers that are more near the key, it must reply `#f` otherwise
it must store the `VALUE` bytevector and reply `#t`.

#### `ref key`

The peer receiving this message has two options for the reply:

- If it has the value associated with `KEY` it can return a vector
with two values the first being `value` symbol and the second the
bytevector associated with `KEY`.

- If it doesn't know about `KEY` it must return nearest known peers as
described in the above `peers` network procedure.

#### `bag-add key value`

The peer receiving this message must associate `KEY` to `VALUE` except
if it knows about peers that are more near `KEY` than itself and the
receiving peer is not part of the nearest peers. Similarly to `set`.

#### `namespace-set public-key key value signature`


#### `namespace-ref public-key key`


## Implementation

Inspired from [qadom]( and gnunet.

## Acknowledgements

Credits goes to gnunet for keeping the lights on. This work is also
based on kademlia paper by X, Y, Z.
