Re: New draft of SRFI 130: Cursor-based string library
John Cowan 23 May 2016 03:50 UTC
Alex Shinn scripsit:
> I initially thought immutable texts was the way to go, but from a
> practical standpoint using disjoint cursors on the same basic string
> type minimizes API fragmentation. In particular, any API that just
> wants a piece of "text" and doesn't need cursors/indexes doesn't need
> two versions. When you _do_ care about indexing you can make the API
> polymorphic on just the cursors, avoiding string conversions.
What I have in mind is to provide a rope API, where a rope is a Scheme
list whose members are either strings or ropes. This could be much
simpler, make use of cursors only in a few spots, and be able to leverage
regular list operations. Indeed, a Scheme tree API has been needed since
SRFI 1, when Olin decided to exclude tree operations, so maybe ropes
would just be supported with a few additional operations beside the
mainstream tree API.
John Cowan
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To do / All things / With sparks / Galore --Douglas Hofstadter