Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O hga@xxxxxx (22 Apr 2020 17:13 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O John Cowan (22 Apr 2020 20:42 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O Lassi Kortela (22 Apr 2020 20:53 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O John Cowan (22 Apr 2020 21:29 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O hga@xxxxxx (22 Apr 2020 23:58 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O Lassi Kortela (22 Apr 2020 21:36 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O Lassi Kortela (22 Apr 2020 21:43 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O John Cowan (23 Apr 2020 03:38 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O Lassi Kortela (23 Apr 2020 07:02 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O Lassi Kortela (23 Apr 2020 07:05 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O Göran Weinholt (23 Apr 2020 10:54 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O Marc Feeley (23 Apr 2020 11:09 UTC)
Per-thread umask Lassi Kortela (23 Apr 2020 11:30 UTC)
Re: Per-thread umask Marc Feeley (23 Apr 2020 11:44 UTC)
Re: Per-thread umask Lassi Kortela (23 Apr 2020 11:47 UTC)
Re: Per-thread umask Marc Feeley (23 Apr 2020 11:59 UTC)
Re: Per-thread umask John Cowan (23 Apr 2020 15:03 UTC)
Re: Per-thread umask Marc Feeley (23 Apr 2020 15:20 UTC)
Re: Per-thread umask Lassi Kortela (23 Apr 2020 16:02 UTC)
Re: Per-thread umask John Cowan (23 Apr 2020 16:03 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O Lassi Kortela (23 Apr 2020 11:14 UTC)
current directory and openat() et al Lassi Kortela (23 Apr 2020 11:27 UTC)
Re: current directory and openat() et al Marc Feeley (23 Apr 2020 13:56 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O Marc Feeley (23 Apr 2020 11:33 UTC)
Normalizing the current directory Lassi Kortela (23 Apr 2020 11:39 UTC)
Re: Normalizing the current directory Marc Feeley (23 Apr 2020 11:55 UTC)
Re: Normalizing the current directory Lassi Kortela (23 Apr 2020 12:10 UTC)
Per-thread working directory and umask proposal John Cowan (23 Apr 2020 14:13 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Marc Feeley (23 Apr 2020 14:16 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal John Cowan (23 Apr 2020 16:07 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (23 Apr 2020 16:14 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Marc Feeley (23 Apr 2020 16:25 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (23 Apr 2020 17:26 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Marc Feeley (23 Apr 2020 17:55 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (23 Apr 2020 18:55 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal John Cowan (23 Apr 2020 20:12 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Shiro Kawai (23 Apr 2020 22:17 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Lassi Kortela (24 Apr 2020 08:43 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Shiro Kawai (24 Apr 2020 11:27 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Lassi Kortela (24 Apr 2020 11:37 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Shiro Kawai (24 Apr 2020 12:22 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Marc Feeley (24 Apr 2020 12:28 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (26 Apr 2020 09:19 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal John Cowan (27 Apr 2020 22:46 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Shiro Kawai (27 Apr 2020 23:42 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal John Cowan (28 Apr 2020 00:42 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Shiro Kawai (28 Apr 2020 00:56 UTC)
os-working-directory Lassi Kortela (29 Apr 2020 09:23 UTC)
Re: os-working-directory Duy Nguyen (29 Apr 2020 09:28 UTC)
current-umask Lassi Kortela (29 Apr 2020 09:43 UTC)
Windows Lassi Kortela (29 Apr 2020 09:47 UTC)
Re: Windows Lassi Kortela (29 Apr 2020 09:49 UTC)
Re: Windows John Cowan (29 Apr 2020 14:53 UTC)
Re: current-umask hga@xxxxxx (29 Apr 2020 13:14 UTC)
Re: current-umask Lassi Kortela (29 Apr 2020 13:25 UTC)
Re: current-umask Marc Feeley (29 Apr 2020 13:31 UTC)
Re: current-umask Marc Feeley (29 Apr 2020 13:45 UTC)
Re: current-umask Lassi Kortela (29 Apr 2020 14:12 UTC)
Re: current-umask hga@xxxxxx (29 Apr 2020 16:21 UTC)
Re: current-umask Lassi Kortela (29 Apr 2020 16:44 UTC)
Re: current-umask John Cowan (30 Apr 2020 04:02 UTC)
Re: os-working-directory John Cowan (30 Apr 2020 02:49 UTC)
Re: os-working-directory Lassi Kortela (30 Apr 2020 06:12 UTC)
Re: os-working-directory Sebastien Marie (30 Apr 2020 07:19 UTC)
Re: os-working-directory Sebastien Marie (30 Apr 2020 07:53 UTC)
Should the SRFI mandate current-directory per thread? Lassi Kortela (30 Apr 2020 12:14 UTC)
Re: Should the SRFI mandate current-directory per thread? Sebastien Marie (30 Apr 2020 17:00 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal hga@xxxxxx (28 Apr 2020 01:03 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Marc Feeley (28 Apr 2020 01:42 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (30 Apr 2020 07:11 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal Marc Feeley (30 Apr 2020 11:33 UTC)
Re: Per-thread working directory and umask proposal John Cowan (23 Apr 2020 18:38 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O Sebastien Marie (23 Apr 2020 13:32 UTC)
Definition of working directory Lassi Kortela (23 Apr 2020 13:51 UTC)
Re: Definition of working directory Marc Feeley (23 Apr 2020 14:07 UTC)
Re: Definition of working directory Sebastien Marie (23 Apr 2020 15:31 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (23 Apr 2020 15:24 UTC)
Separate high-level and low-level APIs Lassi Kortela (23 Apr 2020 15:38 UTC)
Re: Separate high-level and low-level APIs Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (23 Apr 2020 15:44 UTC)
Re: Separate high-level and low-level APIs Lassi Kortela (23 Apr 2020 15:48 UTC)
Re: Separate high-level and low-level APIs hga@xxxxxx (23 Apr 2020 16:19 UTC)
Re: Separate high-level and low-level APIs Lassi Kortela (23 Apr 2020 16:42 UTC)
Re: Review of SRFI 170 through 3.2 I/O hga@xxxxxx (23 Apr 2020 15:41 UTC)

Definition of working directory Lassi Kortela 23 Apr 2020 13:51 UTC

> I am a bit shared. I understand that having proper "current working directory"
> based on parameter-like semantic, and having it per thread could be a good
> thing. But SRFI 170 is about "POSIX API", and I would expect the standard
> behaviour found in C world, where getcwd() is a per-process property

Simplicity is a good argument for a per-process CWD. However, some major
Scheme implementations already have a per-thread CWD that is used by the
RnRS procedures (among others) for interpreting pathnames. Having
different interpretation rules for the SRFI 170 procedures would
probably be confusing to users.

Would you consider it an acceptable compromise if the per-thread CWD can
be disabled via (parameterize ((working-directory #f)) ...) or similar?

> (but I didn't found formal definition of cwd as process property in Posix definition).

It's here:

"3.447 Working Directory (or Current Working Directory)

A directory, associated with a process, that is used in pathname
resolution for pathnames that do not begin with a <slash> character."

> At minima, the direct reference about getcwd() and chdir() should be avoided,
> and the difference with them properly documented.

Absolutely. The current draft of SRFI 170 doesn't have a per-thread CWD
so the document doesn't talk about it yet.